shop my BESTSELLER!  Drive Safe with Baby Army Hare 

Drive Safe Baby Army Hare £49.00 each with FREE UK postage. How To Order - Please select the hare Number you want from the menu below. Purchases outside UK - WorldWide postage is £15 extra. You will receive a separate PayPal Invoice.
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Hare Number
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all Baby Hares approx 12cm long

1x only in each camo pattern placement – unique and original! If you love her – buy her now! 

£49 including FREE UK post

Are you always fearful of someone darting into the road when you’re driving? If you’re an animal lover this is a very common feeling!

I made these Drive Safe Baby Army Hares just for you, to help you drive safely.

And I wrote some road safety rules for these little soldier hares. They are perfect backseat drivers, giving orders and imparting advice. I’m sure your hare will make you follow the rules, and help you set intentions every time. Driving mindfully saves lives. I know Baby Army Hare will also be your Guardian Angel. Keeping you and all the creatures safe.

What does driving with an Intention mean? Well, just imagine always having clear roads ahead? It’s not impossible, because every time I get in my car I set some intentions for exactly that.

It just takes a minute! As I say them I envision clear roads ahead and a safe trip, and I feel relieved and thankful. So simple!

It’s always worked for me, and I know it’ll help you too. This is exactly what I say –

Thank you for the clear roads (clear of animals, birds and other creatures), thank you for the even roads, thank you for the grippy roads. And thank you for my safe journey and the careful, compassionate drivers around me.


Each hare is carefully handmade by me from some real Army uniforms and has an anatomically correct hare tail. Some bits might be tatty and scruffy but hare doesn’t mind in the slightest. Each baby is unique and adorable. Who will you choose?   

I post worldwide but prices given are for FREE UK post. For additional postage to your country email 


Why I make these Drive Safe with Baby Army Hares!

Many years ago I was out cycling on a quiet country road in the Highlands of Scotland.  It was a sunny day and as I came round a corner I spotted something small in the middle of the road, not moving. As I got closer I saw the long brown ears on the still body and my heart sank. There was nothing I could do. 

I was sad, and then angry, because a car might have killed this bunny but there was a person behind the wheel.

I was only 7 but I was old enough to know it wasn’t right.

As an animal lover I know the feeling of being worried and fearful watching the roads ahead like a hawk as you drive.  

Even worse when someone else is driving and hasn’t got their eyes on the road.  It’s like you’re doing two jobs.  Worrying and watching!

And especially on country roads where wild animals abound and the chances of someone darting into the road unexpectedly can be high.

Well, I was tired of feeling like this, so I decided to do something about it.  

Since 2007 I’d been selling my cute and adorable baby hare ornaments in my online shop The Leverets Nest.  (Baby hares are called leverets).  

Because I was a soldier I’d made some from my old uniforms. They turned out really cute! Then I put one on my rearview mirror to keep me company when I was driving. (see his handsome photo on my About page!)

Little did I know I’d just made my first BestSeller – Drive Safe with Baby Army Hare Rearview Mirror Charm!  

His eyes glistened brightly as he looked around and I could already hear his backseat comments! So I got a pen and jotted down the Rules he wanted me to follow. 

Then I decided to set some Intentions for a safe journey.  

Did you know that intentions are powerful and when you set one the Universe clearly hears you? 

I still remembered that little rabbit lying on the road when I was only 7, so I made my Intentions simple and clear. 

‘Dear Universe, thank you for the clear roads, even roads and grippy roads. Thank you for my safe journey.’

I was invoking a higher power to come and look over me as I drove and keep all my animal friends safe. 

-clear roads meaning clear of all animals and birds!

-even roads meant avoiding all pot holes and bumps

-and grippy roads for when it was wet outside and I needed extra safety and braking power.

I say this every time I get in my car, no matter the distance.  It takes seconds and I put my faith in the Universe and trust that I am heard.  You know what? It’s always worked for me! – I drive peacefully on miles of clear roads, focused and attentive, safe in the knowledge that all little beasties are being benevolently deterred from coming near!  It’s truly a relief and a blessing!  Driving this way (mindfully) definitely saves lives.  

Plus, I like to add – Thank you for the careful, compassionate drivers around me.

Just imagine a perfect world with every driver doing this before their trip!   Imagine how many animals’ lives would be saved!?  That would be a blessing! Bless that little rabbit for leaving a passionate legacy in my heart. Being mindful and setting intentions is powerful and really works.  And really saves lives – animal lives! 

Give it a try.

Drive Safe Baby Army Hare Love-at-First-Sight Guarantee or your money back. I want your baby hare to be absolutely loved and cherished by you, treated as a family heirloom, and welcomed as a proud member of your family, so I offer a full 30 day 100% refund guarantee on the hare (shipping excluded). And I also offer a lifetime repair guarantee at a moderate charge for any repairs that need done. (war wounds, scraps, unforseen adventures) These little hares have a beating heart and a sparkle in their eye - their job is to love, serve and protect you no matter what. I will do anything I can to keep you both together.